In an effort to curb costs associated with lost, damaged, and stolen phones my client invented a product that effectively and stylistically connects one's phone to their person. I was asked to create a brandmark and package design for this product. The client, being a creative herself, offered plenty of input as to what the mark should look like. The decided upon design represents two pieces connected by the "Z" formed in the negative space. The accompanying logotype was altered to convey the tethered nature of the product. 2011

*Brandmark changed before production against the wishes of designer

In an effort to curb costs associated with lost, damaged, and stolen phones my client invented a product that effectively and stylistically connects one's phone to their person. In addition to provided brand identity services, research was conducted to explore consumer tendencies surrounding mobile phones and how the packaging and product were being perceived and used. This project revolved around a three-part survey composed with the intent to better understand how potential Z-connector customers purchase and use mobile phones, mobile phone cases, and the Z-connector itself.
Click here to open the research document (pdf)